Junior Hawks/Osborne XC
The Junior Hawks XC team is a youth Cross Country team for grades 5th-8th and is offered through the Mill Creek Athletic Association. Practice starts in June and the season is August-October. For more information click here
New this year: GCPS is now adding official Middle School Cross Country, so Osborne will have a team! More info TBA.
Trying to decide which team to join? Here are the main differences:
Osborne will practice right after school at Osborne, Junior Hawks will practice 6pm-7pm at Mulberry
Osborne will compete at the North Georgia State Meet in Commerce in October; Junior Hawks will compete at the Georgia Middle School State Championships in Bleckley County in October
Osborne will be 6th-8th grade; Juniors Hawks is 5th-8th grade
Osborne XC is overseen by Gwinnett County Public Schools; Junior Hawks is overseen by the Mill Creek Athletic Association